Saturday, December 22, 2012

apacolyptic pleasures

The world ended in a grotesque burlesque
Where masks were held more tightly than clothes
And broken toys led the dance
I dared make eye contact with the King of Dreams
Before He slipped out the door
And released me to my purpose
Retrieving my dropped emblem of fealty
From the narcissistic skeleton
I woke to find 
The world remains
Painted black and 
With carols of good cheer

Monday, December 17, 2012

overturning tables in the temple (wish I could)

I have been absent from this blog for awhile. I cannot keep these thoughts silent though.

I have read some responses to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that have really, really made me angry!

I have actually read people writing foolish things like: "if someone walked into a school and killed 20 children with a knife, people would call for a ban on knives" I have even read a comment along the lines of "i
f someone really wants to kill people, they can make bombs... it's been done before"

These things I have seen are written!!! WRITING! This means the people who type in these words have time to look at what they are communicating. They are able to see and read their own thoughts. The thoughts may be flowing out of a spontaneous place, but they have the ability to edit themselves, to catch themselves in error; but they don't. They don't recognize the callousness of their words. They do not see the folly in their logic. As if they are a spray of bullets bursting into a public space, their words go out unchecked, unconsidered from the muzzle, without a care of where, what, whom and how they impact.

I offer this rebuttal to those who think knives and guns do the same amount of harm in the hands of a killer, a man with a gun can do more killing of strangers in 30seconds from across a room than a man with a knife can do from the same distance in 30minutes.

For the ones who say, "They can use bombs. McVeigh used fertilizer", I respond, a man making a bomb thinks about what and why he is doing what he is doing. He plans. He takes more time creating his weapon than a man who can express such an opinion takes to consider his thoughts. Guns can be used spontaneously. As soon as a violent thought is conceived, it can be acted upon. Cleaned, assembled, loaded, at the end of a man's arm- Death.

During the election, we had some politicians saying things like, "access to voting should be more difficult so people will appreciate it." I say, access to options for killing should be more difficult, especially those options that make killing multiple people as easy as squeezing an index finger.

Monday, May 7, 2012

dropped anchor

Shot gun blast
Shattered glass
How many moments pass
Until I wake from the fog at last

Glistening splinters
One thousand selves
Staring blank as sky

Crackling into place
I do not sink
I'm standing
I am alive

Then blossoming

Beads richer than I've ever seen
Liquid deep
Berries of blood
And I realize I'm leaking

You have called me beautiful 

Inside and out
Was this what you mean?