Monday, February 18, 2008


Lunacy cries her pearls and diamonds for a city unknowing.
Catch her tears poet and drink deeply.
For beauty and pain-
As read through you-
Are one and the same.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

construction worker's radio

Angst screams outside my window
Broken hearts of men

They wail their indecision
With guitars plugged into pain

Sunday, February 10, 2008

drop of blood on the thorn bush

Red bird
So very small
Does anyone else
Notice you at all
I would not had I not heard
Your repeating repeating your tiny word

I don’t understand the note you pray
Your matins on this the Lord’s Holy Day
But I close my eyes and mouth with you
Breathing out darkness and filling with new
Day, the Sun, the promise of Light
Drawing me out of the troubles of Night
Shadows and screamings
Pain and Fear
Too tired for dreaming
I look up through the clear
Bright new dawn
And search through my windows
For a new sol to wish upon

When did you leave your master's side
To greet the mourning below my eyes
A drop of blood from my saviour’s side
The miracle that I have longed for
A sign, a clue, the fiery orb
St.Elmo sends his final word
Go in peace. Return and find
All you wanted you left behind

Ah, sweet bird
Pray for me
I will repeat that single word
So sweet
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
On me
Have mercy my lord
Mercy on me

A confession, a profession, a pleading song
Sighing it daily my whole life long
With every action with every breath
Let it flow through me and continue in death

Lord Jesus Christ (breathing You in)
Son of the Living God (profess my faith as I breathe it out)
Have Mercy on me (I breathe it in)
A sinner (Let it go)

Repeat, Repeat
No more than a small bird's
Quiet lonely peep

Saturday, February 9, 2008

hellebores (lenten rose)

These ashes are from the volcano that I have become.
I burn for No One.
He attempts to extinguish me before I escape.
But bits of me roll away
Trickling from my eyes.
Hot, furious, sad, hopeful... all of these.
He closes the cork.
Seals me in.
I cannot escape.
I have vanished; I am invisible.
But I am not vanquished; I am invincible.
I am a tornado.
I whirl.
I would that I could destroy,
But I am trapped with Lucifer
Here in this bottle.
And the tall
Alabaster Japanese man
With his lavender hair standing
Like a flame of knowledge upon his head
Smells of flowers and sweet fruits.
He will slice out the hump from my back
And free me of this pain!
He tells me to have Patience.
He tells me I am crazy.
But I say, "I can do anything- this is the internet."
I am the talking bottle.
The Night Sky does not see me.
She has closed her eye to me.
She will not watch her daughter.
She has disowned me.
But I glow in her darkness.
I will live!
I will fight!
With my bloody knuckles and nose.
He batters me because He knows.
How deep my fiery furnace goes.
How much ash does it take to kill a rose?