Thursday, March 19, 2015


It's actually a DoctorWho/Marvel Mashup Series in Disguise!

The Doctor plagued by guilt and suffering in a very depressed state is hiding from his feelings in a Chameleon Arch. He has taken on the persona of DI Alec Hardy. Ellie Miller is his faithful companion who always follows his lead, albeit reluctantly and never to his demanding standards. (Joe Miller- before "DI Hardy" arrived- felt ignored and lonely because Ellie was a bit distracted what with her time traveling and all. Because of Ellie's treating Joe the way that Clara Oswald treats Danny Pink, Joe got all messed up with the whole Danny Latimer thing... but that was last season.) Gwen Cooper is undercover as Claire Ripley Ashworth trying to solve one of Jack Harkness's mysterious disappearances and thinks Lee Ashworth may be involved. The Sandbrook case is a cover for the actual events surrounding Jack's disappearance. Unbeknownst to all, Lee is The Master regenerated. That is why he seems to know so much more than everyone else. But he doesn't know that Claire is Torchwood agent, Gwen Cooper. He is controlling all the events that are occurring around Alec (amnesiac Doctor), Ellie and Gwen--- well, except for the crazy that is the residents of Broadchurch. They are just Hella Messed UP!!!--- The Master did steal a piece of jewelry, but it wasn't a necklace (again, that's all a cover). He stole Jack Harkness's Vortex Manipulator. With it, he travelled to the 1940's, took on the alias of Edwin Jarvis and worked his way into a position of trust with Howard Stark. Who do you think was really behind all that Leviathan stuff? The Sandbrook events are related to the Stark items that The Master brought back with him to the current time.

So basically, The Doctor is once again caught in one of The Master's elaborate games. 

#Broadchurch #DoctorWho #Torchwood #MarvelsAgentCarter #BBCAmerica

Saturday, March 15, 2014

miscarried (they've taken something away)

I am holding my own empty hands
To remember how yours felt
It must have never happened
There were no tweets no blogs no proof
I must have felt it mattered
Only a small amount of matter
That drifted off in an early morning beam of light
I watch the memories of things that never happened 
Burn golden then


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jesus and the giant loom

Only good things should dance in children's heads
In the dark

Jesus took his great big loom
And set it up inside my room
He weaved some dreams and tucked me in
I don't know how to end or where to begin

Tiptoed stair treads sofa sat still
Mother's love, Father's love 
Window sill
But the screen is black
And night is too
Ready to climb back upstairs with you

The weaver story was so very upsetting
You know the one about
Jesus and the giant bolt
Of lightning?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

tandem jump

Ten minutes
Please wait

Ten minutes more
That's all

I really need to leave

But ten minutes more
I dare not breath

Only ten minutes

No time at all

If we count the weighted years
Ten minutes is no time at all

How far is a ten minute fall?

The gravity of our equation? 
I fall far faster still
Measured in this rapid heart beat
The time it took me to leave

My feet


Why is it called "falling in love"?

When it feels so much

...Like flying?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

wednesday morning repo

Parking violation
Possession and repossession
Never owned
Belonging is a matter of opinion
Cloud grey is everyone’s birthright
The sun is our collective blessing
Our ultimate curse
Holes burned through our birthright

The will never included you
But your will was stronger than mine
Even as my eyes fixed on the future
I woke to the present
You beside me
Peaceful and smiling in the morning

Hearts were broken last night
By those with bad habits
I vowed I’d not be a taker
But things get lost
In the maelstrom of circumstance

And you do what you have to
To survive

Promises whispered
Mingle with dreams
In the dark
Solidly here
Nobodyelse will come to claim me
I sip my tea in peace

Keep the door locked
Against thieves
But fire snatches faster
With fingers far more cruel

The opposite of love
Is not hate
But who cares
I have been burned
The scars are why you do not
Come for me

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

mo haiku? super!

someone asked for a haiku about acting.
supermo cannot resist the call to haiku.

truthful fictions never lie
character is key

please, note the double meaning in the word 'character' and tell me I'm clever
(does admitting i'm an insecure poet/actress make me sensitive and adorkable?)

Saturday, January 19, 2013


beacon shines brightly
night lasts only for its time
hope reflects the truth