Tuesday, April 28, 2009


silver crescent
delicate rim
the earth's shadow
caused only to dim
the beauty to grey for a short while
but given the cycles I know I will smile
just as your grin that hangs in the night
things once upside down must be put right

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Maundy

12 years after the tornado. Holy Week.

I am wishing I could prep St. Elmo Pres for Good Friday. I remember the thorns that I was pulling from my skin for over a month afterwards. This year... Elijah- get in here and take off that slicker and those boots! I need a bit of help preparing... scrambled brain and mashed finger are the only items on the passover menu so far...

I can’t forget anything

You remember nothing
Broken finger twisted and swollen
Feeling nothing
Broken heart empty and decaying
Terrible aching
On the night in which our Lord was betrayed
He gave this command...

He was worried about us
The ones who abandoned Him

I would deny you again
I would run away every time
That is why I am here
With my toes chained to the ground
With silver threads
As fine as spider’s silk

She dropped to the ground
But I found her
And caught her up with deadly force
Broken body still and lifeless
Enviously peaceful

There is something beautiful in sleep
I am impressed- exclamation point
Or was it “that’s impressive”
Words I will never see
Words I will never hear
Except where I make them happen
Dreaming of their popping up in my inbox
On my desktop
Well done my good and faithful one
Tell me I am good
Just this once

A foot washer
You cleaned the slate
Tore apart-me-nt from the inside out
Don’t break the glass!
I beg in hurried prayer
So you take the roof
I am feeling light-headed now
Lessons in low pressure
Lesions on our feet

My back was sore
And you kept me awake
I didn’t want to pray that way
I didn’t want to say the things you made me say
But I said them anyway
I waited till the tree was gone
To scream “RUN!”

It is my job to protect
To watch to guard
To get the timing exactly right
I move by intuition
I am not bound by choreography
You speak and I rise or fall
On your command

I am looking for direction
Something more than
“Have you done this before?”
No, I am lost
Can you not tell?
“You show no nervousness”
As I twist the blue cap tightly on the neck
To the point of making it impossible to reopen
This is not my water
It was meant for someone holy
An angel with shining golden hair
That falls smooth and straight
Catching and tossing light
A princess by a pool
Waiting for Jeremiah
I swear she is Southern
Northern girls aren’t blonde

I too am light, yes?
You can pick me up effortlessly
But do I understand your sighs?

Though light
I am mostly shadow
A glacier under half moonlight
I glow on the surface
But there is a depth
Of which you are afraid

Capturing a simple moment
For such a complex woman
You try to understand
And cage that curled beast in your heart
But don’t you know she will beat those bars
And tear herself against them
Until she once again falls into a peaceful sleep
Brought on by the exhaustion of tears and torments

The thunder
The tears
The rock on which I built my house
Plymouth- ply mouth
And George Washingtons crispy in my mouth
Lightly dressed in an evening vinaigrette
And served after we remember the joy of sacrifice
Surrounded by tears
Hard boiled hippies
Just waiting for a chance to be delivered
And wrapped in the warmth of a scottish pig
And served with frothy beer and a side of tv
But now it is raised cups
And “Baruch atah Adonai”s

I taste the maror
Solomon says it is sweet
He is always contradicting
Pushing buttons
And blowing up the world
Just so he can dig up fossils
And ponder what was once alive

Elephants are endangered
Wrap them in flags
And stuff them till they are cartoonishly large
Listen to them shout
AM preacher-like
But what is it that they are saying?
Where is the Roman Road?
They are blaming the Donkeys
Who carried their belongings out of Egypt
Strike the rock once
And the water will flow
Speak to the rock
But things don’t always go as planned
I left my Britta filter
And the heat is unbearable
And the whining has me broken
Like this crushed finger
And this swirling cloud that destroys
Yet compels me follow
In its wake
We strike a second time
The water flows in mercy
And we strike over and again
Believing the water will never run out

I have seen greater things
I have seen mountains moved
But what had that to do with faith
Today- I cannot be still and know
Today- I do not understand

My assassin name is Deep Sleep
My Bondage uniform is a zip up; one piece; fuzzy
Footed pair of pyjamas
With scarf-wrapped penguins playing in a field the blue of sky
Not only because penguins cannot fly

Let me walk to school in my robe
Unbrushed and free
Like Crazy Ball Square Tourettes Man
Let me be free and unjudged
Let me shrug off the mores
The taboos that have me bound
Let me seek you
Wherever you may be found
Find me
And let us dance
Though my feet are pierced
I will drag my cross to you
And I will smile under the burden I bear in love
“Why do you come here if it makes you sad?”
My hands are full of the nothing
That I took from you
And I wish there were a better way to say
Because I love you.